Today I did nothing really special but I finally got down to watching PASSCHENDALE. I borrowed it from a friend so I had to finish watching it somehow. It is a good show for those who understand history and people, not for dumb people without emotions and going for a quick thrill. This show basically revolves around Michael Dunne and Canadians who served the the First World War.
This show shows its abhorence for war and how naive some young men were. But I guess this story focuses more on love and how the war veteran Michael Dunne manages to throw aside all prejudices and continue to love the lady (Sarah Mann) who is of German descent but has become a Canadian. Of course there's an antagonist in the form of a British who became a Canadian major who was extremely prejudiced. He made life difficult for The Sarah and Michael, and even helped to authorise David Mann (Sarah's younger brother) to go out to fight at the front. This is the very naive boy I am talking about. Anyway he's not supposed to go as he is medically unfit with asthma. Sarah misunderstood Michael and thought he helped to authorise the recruitment of her younger brother to the front for the Canadian Corp.
To cut the long story short, this naive boy David Mann whisks himself to the front, causes the sister's lover to go along to watch over him, and eventually the sister herself - a military nurse ends up over there too. What I cannot understand is the stupid boy charges himself into the trenchline of the enemy and forces Michael to save him. Michale dies in the process but manages to bring David back to his sister. A tragic ending for a love story... but I guess the show wants to remember the Canadians who did contribute to the war (in both wars in fact) but had been forgotten. Perhaps it also reminds us not to be prejudiced towards the innocent who are already citizens of allied nations but happened to be ethnically tied to the nations that started the war.
A moving story for those who have a heart and understands humanities.
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