Sunday, May 10, 2009


Today I did nothing really special but I finally got down to watching PASSCHENDALE. I borrowed it from a friend so I had to finish watching it somehow. It is a good show for those who understand history and people, not for dumb people without emotions and going for a quick thrill. This show basically revolves around Michael Dunne and Canadians who served the the First World War.

This show shows its abhorence for war and how naive some young men were. But I guess this story focuses more on love and how the war veteran Michael Dunne manages to throw aside all prejudices and continue to love the lady (Sarah Mann) who is of German descent but has become a Canadian. Of course there's an antagonist in the form of a British who became a Canadian major who was extremely prejudiced. He made life difficult for The Sarah and Michael, and even helped to authorise David Mann (Sarah's younger brother) to go out to fight at the front. This is the very naive boy I am talking about. Anyway he's not supposed to go as he is medically unfit with asthma. Sarah misunderstood Michael and thought he helped to authorise the recruitment of her younger brother to the front for the Canadian Corp.

To cut the long story short, this naive boy David Mann whisks himself to the front, causes the sister's lover to go along to watch over him, and eventually the sister herself - a military nurse ends up over there too. What I cannot understand is the stupid boy charges himself into the trenchline of the enemy and forces Michael to save him. Michale dies in the process but manages to bring David back to his sister. A tragic ending for a love story... but I guess the show wants to remember the Canadians who did contribute to the war (in both wars in fact) but had been forgotten. Perhaps it also reminds us not to be prejudiced towards the innocent who are already citizens of allied nations but happened to be ethnically tied to the nations that started the war.

A moving story for those who have a heart and understands humanities.

Friday, May 8, 2009

12 more days to go~~~ Acquired new toys..

Just managed to increase my toy collection by finishing on the fixing and assembling plus painting of the 94 TK Tank that was part of the Japanese invasion force that came to Malaya and Singapore in the Battle for Malaya and Singapore. Now I have an additional model to show for lessons. Also found 2 different sizes small violins that serve as great ornaments and I put one on my dearie's doll to actually find that the sizes fit. Lastly the US Marines which I bought at a very big discount (original price of one figure could allow me to purchase all 3 shown here!) to be included in my blog. OK nothing much to update now. Still having bits and pieces of nightmare over the car accident but I should be getting better...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Day 11 without her...

A most terrible thing happened today... whie going to work with Gavin it rained. So I did slow down my car at the very juncture when the accident happened. I was going at 80km/h ~ not fast already loh...

Then the car in front braked, and did a sudden swerve into my lane!!! What the hell! The car in front was so close that I did not have the chance to go forward to the left (which Mark taught me to) so I braked and the car skidded. I only remembered vaguely not to fight the skidding and just go along with it so I let the car glide itself onto the road shoulder. 3 lanes my car moved and luckily no car came along to hit us!!! The SOB who cut into our lane just went off without a care of whether Gavin and I was alive or hurt! WTH! A kind Samaritarian - an young Indian chap stopped his motorbike to see whether we were ok (at least there are still kind souls around).

Somehow I did not feel very bitter, just fed up with that driver and I thought I handled everything well... I felt sorry for almost putting Gavin's life in jeopardy, I mean like its not my fault but I still feel guilty lah... Anyway everyone was glad we were ok and it was the car that in a way protected us. LUCKY I did not drive fast. FUCK these thoughtless assholes on the road. And the asshole who threw the thrash bag onto the road and make this guy or woman cut into my lane!

Think the last thing I have to think of is to thank God, he must've been watching out for both of us because no car followed up. Damn heng lah! Thank you God for watching over both of us!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Day 10 without darling: National Museum, Gathering at my House - Labour Day

Today went with my family to National Museum to watch teh Kangxi Exhibition. At the entrance to the National Museum kenna stopped from entering and had to take body temperature first. Super sien. Only later then did I realise that the swine flu situation had worsened. However we finally managed to enter the whole place and did a lot of visiting around. It was a nice trip with my family even though it was tiring. Finally we had to rush off as I need to be home to let my students come into my house to have the gathering at my house.

I quickly got back home to have a few of them already waiting downstairs. Finally let them in and they started getting everybody here and prepared. It was a tiring and hot and warm time but I got to watch 'Wolverine' and "Role Model' with the kids before we took a few pictures and said our goodbyes. The food was overwhelming again and I think 2 days of unhealthy food is really terrible to my stomach and body. :OP



Fellowship of JWSS - The Nicer Teachers in 2004

About Me

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A jovial and happy go lucky kind of person. I still have a sense of humour and love to listen to jokes and have fun. Care a lot for friends and students but experience over the years have caused me to care for only specific people and not everyone. Its not a great world out there where everyone reciprocates kindness if u are kind to them. What am I talking about? Maybe I dunno anymore eh?

Mt Ophir with JWSS students

Mt Ophir with JWSS students
Mt Ophir Trip