Monday, September 3, 2007

Teacher's Day

Teacher's Day celebration actually lasted for 2 days for me. On Thursday some of the ACS boys had already given me Teachers' Day gift. So sweet of them, imagine these rowdy or very fit guys actually doing something for you. Some of them actually made cookies! Have yet to taste them yet cuz Gavin took them home by mistake so will do so tomorrow.

On Friday we had a grand celebration. Frankly being the first time celebrating Teachers' Day in ACS (I) felt so glamourous. There's really a red carpet in front after all teachers walked in, lead by the senior admin. It was spontaneous and really felt like a school with a climate of enthusiasm.

However, I still missed my ex students and they actually organised a steamboat outing on Friday itself! Alice and Zuomin were there too! It was really fun and jovial moment for me. They're all so grown up now... Sigh and I am no longer young anymore.

On Saturday, I went out with my parents and their friends who came down from Malaysia. One of whom knew me since I was a child. I ferried them around CCK area and we went to Farmart and visit many different farms and saw things none of the kids of the urban areas thought Singapore would have if they hadn't visit these places at all. After that, in the eventing I went to play pool with Jo, Rudi and Huiyin from BPGHS. Called Katherine and Guohong down too. After that I sent them home and we had supper. What a whole 2 days. Sunday I just let myself rest. But its such fun to be totally engaged and busy.

Well, that was the 30th-2nd of September! Haha.

Today? Nothing much - just that I went back to work with Gavin and managed to do quite a fair bit of work. Didn't even do video editing at all! Then we had great food at Tiong Bahru later on, where Gav took us both to where his childhood eating places were. Great food siah! Shiok man.
Ok GTG sleep already. Maybe more blogging next time.

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Fellowship of JWSS - The Nicer Teachers in 2004

About Me

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A jovial and happy go lucky kind of person. I still have a sense of humour and love to listen to jokes and have fun. Care a lot for friends and students but experience over the years have caused me to care for only specific people and not everyone. Its not a great world out there where everyone reciprocates kindness if u are kind to them. What am I talking about? Maybe I dunno anymore eh?

Mt Ophir with JWSS students

Mt Ophir with JWSS students
Mt Ophir Trip