s betThis week that's just passed's been pretty jam packed and busy as well as fulfilling towards the end. I was up until 2am plus this morning, and for someone who usually can force himself to stay awake for most things I was gone in less than 30 seconds when I hit the bed.
The first event of the week, not Sunday but Monday - was CIP (Community Involvement Programme) for the kids at HWA (Home for the Handicapped Welfare Association). They had a tour of the place and except for Ben Yeo and gang whom I had to constantly keep under close survelliance, the class was generally well-behaved (phew~ thank goodness). They were helping to unpack goody bags and folding letters, putting these into envelopes and pasting addresses on envelopes... I took a few pictures and videos before I joined in the fray. Actually it was quite fun, coming to think of it, but we got literally tired towards 5pm.... +__-

Next thing - on Tuesday was the field trip to Labrador Park - the Secret Tunnels of Labrador. With the low turnout for number of students, from 40 to 20 due to the many events in school such as Festival of Arts and Sports competitions, I was worried the whole thing had flopped. But I'd have to say, thanks to the uncle who was our guide along the trip, things turned out to be much better than expected. It was a blessing that the number or students was only 20, because each tunnel section could squeeze in just that number of people, not including Gavin and myself. I guess the most interesting aspect was when the uncle let us grope in the dark when he switched off all the lights for about less than a minute.

Next thing - on Tuesday was the field trip to Labrador Park - the Secret Tunnels of Labrador. With the low turnout for number of students, from 40 to 20 due to the many events in school such as Festival of Arts and Sports competitions, I was worried the whole thing had flopped. But I'd have to say, thanks to the uncle who was our guide along the trip, things turned out to be much better than expected. It was a blessing that the number or students was only 20, because each tunnel section could squeeze in just that number of people, not including Gavin and myself. I guess the most interesting aspect was when the uncle let us grope in the dark when he switched off all the lights for about less than a minute.
Friday - CCA day, I was suddenly requested to help out with bringing students to an excursion to the Supreme Court, old and new. It was ok after we managed to clear the security, whereby I had to quickly deposit my swiss knife with the counter and all contents on myself.... rather hurriedly. The portraits and introduction to our legal system's beginnings and pioneers were so-so. The more interesting event was when we got to visit the old Supreme court (which would be closed forever soon) and went through the places they go through before they reach the court of appeal. We also got to visit the Chief Justice's office (the first few, not the current one). The whole sequel was enriching but due to the fact that we were told we could not upload photos I will only put those that the public can already see from outside the building.
Saturday night till Sunday morning - there was a Dance in the Sky and Fire Dance event at the front of National Museum and the Campus of SMU (Singapore Management University). From what a local 'over-enthusiast' beside me said, and I overheard, Saturday was much better with fewer people. It was great to hear soundtracks I so love as they play out or dance to the tunes - that was for the Sky Dance. The Fire dance was more jam packed and I felt they wasted a lot of water trying to show pictures on droplets of water they were spraying over a raised platform. However I have to credit the 'fire-dancers' who had to dance with the heat all around them, dealing with the props and sweating it out. And so ends the event of the day... except I was blamed for not bringing my extra 1 GB SD card as my friend ran out of memory space on the camera... sorrie lah.... :oP

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