Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Holiday? Hmmm maybe not

Right after Parent Teacher's meeting, the next day I was engaged in doing CCA over at Pulau Ubin over the weekend. That one's ok. What I did not expect was to have my Saturday burnt as well in an army mobilisation OVER NIGHT! I mean which unit mobilises overnight? One of its kind.

Pics of some scenes from NPCC Kg Bahru site. A view of the sea and Sky.

Anyway I managed to clear most of the hecitc work this week liao. Sigh, two weekends gone. I must use the rest of it nicely to plan for my end of year trip also. Pretty cashless too cause my sister accidentally ram my car backwards, and Dad and Mum just loaned money to buy a new car. So low now... Haha but not serious enuff. Still ok. The car still looks ok.... from the front.
Just sent it for repair today.. Hope to get it back asap!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Past 2 days

Brought students on Learning Journey into Chinatown. Although the trail was almost the same, it was different with your own form class and my kids were a whole lot of fun, though some of them really needed me to stop them from misbehaving. The hot weather burnt out most of us. It was tiring more because the weather was too warm. Anyway I got to buy my favourite food from the famous egg tart shop and also visit Maxwell market to eat some food. Joshua didn't like the food there that much, maybe he had too much of food there before. But the trip was enjoyable because of the people you go with! Not forgetting some of the funny antics of my students James and Jay hahahaha!

Today, a lesson on patience, the sound system was poor and we could not really hear the speeches being made for the drama. The hardest and trying part was to try and keep the students awake and listen. Tired....

OK, a few hours later is the MAN U and CHELSEA match. Got to go!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Just the past 2 days

Above pictures taken at Suntec Carshow.

Think I did quite a bit of reflection for the past few days. Realise that playing games is really addictive to me in my case. Although my control is better now its not enough in my opinion. Anyway watching 'What Happened in Vegas' is really great - never had a hilarious and touching romantic comedy like that for a long time. Its been years but Cameron Diaz's still hot! Also really observed the fountain at Suntec at night, never took the trouble to as I never thought much of Singapore... :oP but it turned out to be quite nice. A pity I didn't record down the video probably.

This morning's run was great, there was still a slight pain in the knee but its not as jarring as before. The best was when I listened to the soundtrack from Deep Blue Sea (special soundtrack) and watched the clouds above me drifting by. The feeling was exhilarating, that was what I thought to myself as I lay on the bench after some 'crunches' exercise. A pity that Gavin was not in the mood to eat breakfast as he probably played games till 4am this morning. Anyway the following is a picture of the sky.

Ok the gathering at Weiping's hse has just been pushed back to 1pm. I'm going off...

Monday, May 5, 2008

Visit to Sentosa_Special move to UNDERWATERWORLD

I've not been to Underwater world like in almost a decade? It was impressive enough to me still. I still remember the last Sea Aquarium or something like that which I visited when I was 6 or 7. So its still fascinating to me to see all these sea animals. I like watching documentaries and the effect of this place didn't make it seem like the animals were in captivity. Really nice. I don't recall seeing the type of crabs last time which I saw in this visit. Cute and also impressive. I like the ones that look like the prehistoric sea animal(top in very dark water).



Fellowship of JWSS - The Nicer Teachers in 2004

About Me

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A jovial and happy go lucky kind of person. I still have a sense of humour and love to listen to jokes and have fun. Care a lot for friends and students but experience over the years have caused me to care for only specific people and not everyone. Its not a great world out there where everyone reciprocates kindness if u are kind to them. What am I talking about? Maybe I dunno anymore eh?

Mt Ophir with JWSS students

Mt Ophir with JWSS students
Mt Ophir Trip