A lot of things happened here and there. I did not have photos to remember all. Let me try and remember.... Gathering of many of us at Da jie's place. But found out I have to miss the Friday gathering as I have to go Thailand. Went Thailand amidst the fears of riots in Bangkok. But nothing was touched. I saw no rioters and came back heavily loaded with lots of shopping stuff!! heeeee
I found out Cheryl has settled down with her honey across the street near BLSS!!! Haha so near me! Met up with David Liew and the ladies Amy Angela Cheryl and Joey to catch up at Holland V before exams came. 

PE - Presiding examiner for Year 2 level..... super shag... was waking up at 4am plus every morning. Haha my good sister Alice had to suffer waking up early too for nearly 2 weeks!!!
Jeffrey Sim got married and I was a brother from dawn to dark... it was super tiring.... Oh, one of the pictures is of his room that has a see through glass panel!
James got married too. I just had to turn up and go home. But next day was work so it was quite tiring lah....
Da jie gave birth to Keith. Now officially she has a Charles and Keith in her family!!! David Lim visited us and his baby girl is soooooooooo cute!!!! We chilled out at Ice Cold Beer Bar later on. Was scolded by Hilda for not updating her about my life! So sorry. Cuz my friends all have their own probs and I dint wan them to be piled with more of it. Oh! This is David's baby girl!

2 of my colleagues have left NPCC.... and I have to do more things now!! :OP sigh....
End of the school term for my kids... miss them haha especially my form class 2.08. A most jovial class I'd ever had.

Saw my class for next year. They don't seem as fun as the class I had this year.... hmmmmm
Geez now that I list out what I've gone through it does not seem like a lot of events after all... or is it?
2 of my colleagues have left NPCC.... and I have to do more things now!! :OP sigh....
End of the school term for my kids... miss them haha especially my form class 2.08. A most jovial class I'd ever had.

Saw my class for next year. They don't seem as fun as the class I had this year.... hmmmmm
Geez now that I list out what I've gone through it does not seem like a lot of events after all... or is it?