Year 2008 January was much better to me..
I remember really hugging my mum as I handed her an Hong bao for her birthday.... ironically she gave one back to me in the same month. You see.... we are both January babies. But after what has happened, somehow my bond with my parents never felt stronger, now its definitely much stronger! I guess young people like us tend to forget about our parents and only 'run back crying' when we come across difficulties outside of our life. I'm actually quite glad that I was the one betrayed in the relationship so I do not have qualms about anything. I'm still trying to be wiser and less kind-hearted cuz I know it just doesn't pay to be a nicez guy all the time.
Had to bring students of ACS (I) overseas for our Overseas Education Programme. Have to admit we got closer in bond but I did warn the kids never to overstep the line. But lower secondary kids have always been adorable and once you've taught them at that level they just get acquainted with you easily when the proceed on to upper secondary. Anyway for our time spent at OEP the school granted us a day off on Friday -18th Jan which was my birthday! haha! That day went for 'tui na' to deal with the problem with my injured ankle and toes and blood that could've clot was extracted out - not very painful. Alice went along to see to her problems too and after that treated me to lunch as form of my birthday treat.
So the next touching thing that happened was my JWSS kids who booked a chalet for their last gathering before obtaining their O level results and also inviting me to celebrate my birthday. It was a Rasa Sentosa so it was easy for me to pop out of there to Vivo City to celebrate my birthday there with the Bukit Panjang gang before I went back to the chalet. Got a heart attack - dint happen to me just a statement - when my dearest Godaughter Tinglei had an asthma attack. Wilson carried her from the beach while I carried her the rest of the way up and got help. So fearful something would happen to her but it was ok so far. Then again left at 5am to prepare for Dedication day of all ACS schools.
I remember really hugging my mum as I handed her an Hong bao for her birthday.... ironically she gave one back to me in the same month. You see.... we are both January babies. But after what has happened, somehow my bond with my parents never felt stronger, now its definitely much stronger! I guess young people like us tend to forget about our parents and only 'run back crying' when we come across difficulties outside of our life. I'm actually quite glad that I was the one betrayed in the relationship so I do not have qualms about anything. I'm still trying to be wiser and less kind-hearted cuz I know it just doesn't pay to be a nicez guy all the time.
Had to bring students of ACS (I) overseas for our Overseas Education Programme. Have to admit we got closer in bond but I did warn the kids never to overstep the line. But lower secondary kids have always been adorable and once you've taught them at that level they just get acquainted with you easily when the proceed on to upper secondary. Anyway for our time spent at OEP the school granted us a day off on Friday -18th Jan which was my birthday! haha! That day went for 'tui na' to deal with the problem with my injured ankle and toes and blood that could've clot was extracted out - not very painful. Alice went along to see to her problems too and after that treated me to lunch as form of my birthday treat.
So the next touching thing that happened was my JWSS kids who booked a chalet for their last gathering before obtaining their O level results and also inviting me to celebrate my birthday. It was a Rasa Sentosa so it was easy for me to pop out of there to Vivo City to celebrate my birthday there with the Bukit Panjang gang before I went back to the chalet. Got a heart attack - dint happen to me just a statement - when my dearest Godaughter Tinglei had an asthma attack. Wilson carried her from the beach while I carried her the rest of the way up and got help. So fearful something would happen to her but it was ok so far. Then again left at 5am to prepare for Dedication day of all ACS schools.
Snapshots of me and JWSS kids who've graduated this year since at Rasa Sentosa.
Kuofeng caught in the act.
Mardiyah - probably she took this herself
Amanda. so xian su.
I was watching Coffee Prince with Andy.
Mard with Yanting.
Mard can u explain y u r everywhere?
2 of my darling god daughters who were at the chalet
Dedication Day with a number of ex-colleauges (Susan was there but I only said hi to her, a pity Yappy Yap has left) in the AC family. Hilda and Zuomin treated me to ice cream for my birthday. After that it was back home repack and back to Rasa sentosa for the last time. Watched the rest of the 'Coffee Prince' discs there and slept around the place cuz there were too many kids around. Finally all had food at the nearby hawker centre opposite Harbour Front and went home.
The next big thing was the kids' results and I was glad that the group closest to me made it. Cept Mardiyah has a small problem with Maths D and she plans to retake it next year loh. Overall my prayers were answered and all my Godaugthers made it! Even the most worrisome girl of mine Tinglei! Thank goodness. Now I just want to wait for the next batch who are currently Sec 5 and 4 to finish with this school and I'll not go JWSS to see anybody again... maybe except for Aziz and gang if they are still around.
Finally Gavin gave me a treat along with Alice at Concourse, quite sad to hear that place will close down soon but most of the shops are shifting to somewhere else and its not much diff. Well think thats about all that happened this month and shall sign off now. I do hope to get use to the busy start of school and start exercising again!