This past few days have been a week of reminscine and memories. Now I am moving on to another new place and new environment. It was kind of hard to leave of cuz, but I think I have to move on for my own life. I'll miss the students whom I've created a bond for the past few months.
27th: The very first English class I taught at JWSS - 1T1 - all of them have grown up. It was so much fun meeting them after all these years. Kinda feel bad I threw tables and chairs and scolded them when I was younger. I must've been so hot headed then. We still laughed and had fun,
of cuz lah, only teachers they like get called down. Stacey and Roland also came with Jadeyn and Anastasia. Its both weird and heartwarming to talk to these big kids now. Rox, thanks for inviting me down, but dint get to see Firdaus and Xiang En.

For the BPGHians I'm leaving, I have to admit I do miss them and feel bad about it at the same time. Even though the time with them was shorter than that at JWSS, the bond wasn't any weaker with some of them. 3B was one of the more friendly and high EQ class I've taught. Some other kids from 3P3 and 3P2, 3L1 and 3M1 I've also made friends with somehow. Yeah I know, I'm supposed to be their teacher. But that's my character, I'm a teacher but I am a friendly person. What to do? To the BPGHians I've known and taught for a short time, you rock! Stay great and enjoy your school life ok?

27th: The very first English class I taught at JWSS - 1T1 - all of them have grown up. It was so much fun meeting them after all these years. Kinda feel bad I threw tables and chairs and scolded them when I was younger. I must've been so hot headed then. We still laughed and had fun,
For the BPGHians I'm leaving, I have to admit I do miss them and feel bad about it at the same time. Even though the time with them was shorter than that at JWSS, the bond wasn't any weaker with some of them. 3B was one of the more friendly and high EQ class I've taught. Some other kids from 3P3 and 3P2, 3L1 and 3M1 I've also made friends with somehow. Yeah I know, I'm supposed to be their teacher. But that's my character, I'm a teacher but I am a friendly person. What to do? To the BPGHians I've known and taught for a short time, you rock! Stay great and enjoy your school life ok?